This data portal is dedicated to the use of data, statistics and information on Trinidad and Tobago’s development situation in national development policy, planning, and research and monitoring and evaluation (M&E). The platform provides access to a series of data dissemination products for a better understanding of some key socio-economic indicators. The database currently contains data of the current MICS 6 survey as well as that of MICS4. It will help users understand the progress which has taken place in between these two key surveys and use data for impact in evidence based decision making. This platform is also a pedagogical tool for the SDGs through the interactive pages.
MICS is designed to collect estimates of key indicators that can be used to assess the situation of children and women, including on child protection, early childhood education, child health and nutrition
Download the mobile application in your Android or IOS phone and query the database, and view the indicators in dynamic visualisations.